Class: Video

Zenterac. Video

new Video(id, options)

Name Type Description
id String ID of the video
options Number Video options (id, start, duration, playMode, url)
 var video = new Zenterac.Video("bunny", {start: 10, duration: 10});


duration :Number

Duration before switching (seconds)

id :String

The ID of the video

playMode :Zenterac.PlayMode

Video can be looped, or played only if seen/unseen, etc.

start :Number

Start position of the video (seconds)

url :String

Video url for custom mode (player.useCustomServer)


<static> GetAnchorVideo() → {Zenterac.Video}

Create a video from the anchor in the url ( #anchor )

getName() → {string}

Return the name of the video: videoID_start-duration